Newcomers' Global Community
Strength Through Diversity

The Global Small Learning Community for Newcomers will provide well rounded education with special emphasis on academic language acquisition. Our students will be a contributing and active participant of the school community. They will become productive citizens and they will develop a strong sense of identity and respect. We want our students to develop a high level of fluency in the language. We also want our students to develop a sense of identify that will allow them to step into the world bravely. We want our students to become leaders and become a positive influence in society.The Global SLC for Newcomers staff will work hard with our students to provide for each student the best education poassible with the cooperation of the parents and the administration.

The Global Small Learning Community creates a challenging learning environment that promotes high expectations for all students. Our students thrive in mainstream classrooms across the curriculum, through level appropriate instruction allowing for a personalized classroom experience. Our small learning community strengthens the students’ sense of identity and helps them understand their role as a contributing member of society. Our Global small learning community ensures a safe, orderly, caring, and supportive learning environment in which each student’s self- esteem is fostered through positive relationships with students and staff. Parents, teachers, and community members are actively involved in our student’s academic success.